

The university band exists to support 1) the university’s academic mission as a laboratory class for music performance and education, and 2) the student service division’s mission as a spirit organization for students.

The university band promotes school spirit as well as community pride and unity through a perpetual program sustained by positive recruitment, 学生保留, 校友事务.

And of course, the TSU Band Supports the 德克萨斯南方大学 Top 5 Priorities

  1. 学生的成功与完成
  2. 学术课程质量和研究
  3. 合作伙伴关系
  4. 筹款
  5. 文化


The university band program provides opportunities for students with experience in music performance and those aspiring to careers in music to prepare and publicly perform quality music appropriate to the venues in which band units perform.


70年代的乐队The band at 德克萨斯南方大学 was organized at Houston College for Negroes during the school year of 1945 - 1946. At this time, the veterans were returning from World War II. Many were also enrolling into this new school of higher education. Mr. 艾伦E. 诺顿, 当时代理院长, requested a list of at least twenty-five (25) names so that a college band could be added to the extracurricular activities. 根据这个要求, thirty - five (35) interested musicians organized the first band of this institution. Conrad Johnson was contacted to serve as the Band Director. Our major performance was for the Spring Commencement Services of which I was a member of this class. 由于缺乏适当的设备和仪器, I was asked by the Band Director of accompany the band on the Precessional, 《比较靠谱的赌博大平台》. Because of our interest shown at this affair, we received a hearty welcome. 第二年九月, we marched from what is now Ryan Junior High School to the newly built Fairchild Building. Also, Houston College for Negroes had acquired a new name, Texas State University for Negroes. More veterans and other students had enrolled and as a result, the band grew.

We have found out that at least three new directors have served during this period. 他们就是小詹姆斯·希尔·拉克. (director when the Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter was received), Jack C. Bradley (later head of the Music Department of 德克萨斯南方大学), and Campbell A. Talbert (presently on the faculty of the Music Department in 1972). Efforts are still being made to find out additional information about this period of band history. 我们打算记录在案, a complete band history and the rest of this section will be added at a later date, 如果可能的话.

到下一个季节, 1968, we had been awarded new uniforms to encourage continual participation in the band. They were a tremendous improvement over the uniforms of yesterday. However, our hats resembled those worn by Milkmen with an added gray “feather” worn on top. We carried one memory from the past, however, white socks and white shoes. 除了我们的新着装要求外,还有白手套. These new uniforms gave us an incentive to keep trying, in spite of public harassment and ridicule. We were determined that we wouldn’t be embarrassed any more. Because of our rebellion, we weren’t allowed to march at the first few games. 最后, 我们的鼓手, 肯尼斯·Malveaux, and our staff of officers decided to chart our own half time show. 当时, 约翰·罗伯茨和哈罗德·艾切, 的什里夫波特, 被分配给大卫·彼得斯做研究生助理. Mr. Roberts, being a very devoted leader, tried everything in his power to help us. 他通过在前场进行行军训练来帮助我们, 安排音乐, 给我们一些舞蹈动作的提示. The drum major showed us how we were to leave the field on drum rolls, 突然奏出一首著名的曲子, 爱德华·李·罗斯安排的, 大号演奏家. 我们还算满意.

This show was a strong improvement over the others in the past. At last, we were anxious to perform at half time for once. Our moment finally came, Astrodome, Grambling vs 德克萨斯南方大学. 在我们在操场上游行之后, Ralph Yarborough was called onto the field to give a “thank you” speech. He had prepared the longest “thank you” speech in quite a while, 它持续了我们整个节目. After the speech, the band was ordered off the field by someone over the public address system. Grambling’s football team had already begun warming up for the second half, 尽管我们站在球场上. 又一次,一个声音命令我们离开球场. 我们愤愤不平地离开了球场. 观众们笑着,向我们扔纸和其他东西. 终于,本赛季的最后一场比赛来了,TSU vs PV. 这一次,我们表演了“精心排练”的节目. 我们终于中了头彩. Instead of the audience’s boos and nays, we heard their cheering and screaming. 这一次,我们的骄傲终于挺住了.

1969年春季音乐会季末, we heard rumors of a new band director for the Fall Season. Based upon the facts of the rumors, the man was a black man. Of course, experience had taught us not to build our hopes too high. 前几年, the same rumor raged throughout our ears and each time David Peters would return with his “Everythings Coming Up Roses”. To our great surprise, this was no longer a rumor, but the divine truth. July 1969, we were proudly introduced to our “Black Moses” in our time of trouble, Mr. 本杰明J. 巴特勒二世与《比较靠谱的赌博大平台》的诞生. 从那天起,直到永远. Soul” will always have a special place in my heart and memory for his musical inspirations.

Since the name “Ocean of Soul” was given to the 德克萨斯南方大学 Band by a local radio show, 谈论休斯顿的灵魂之山, it has commanded the interest and attention of the public locally and nationally. 浮华的, 速度设置, “Ocean of Soul” have appeared at numerous professional football games At the 1973 Battle of the Bands, 《网投比较靠谱的大平台》向公众展示, 第一次, 它的新乐队制服. These uniforms were designed and represented the first class band, the “Ocean of Soul” band uniform is completely different from anyone else’s .