Residential Life Accommodations

Accommodations are provided on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. 住宿按先到先得的原则提供. Student Accessibility Services Office (SASO) collaborates with TSU Residential Life and Housing to maintain integrity practices during the accommodation process.


  1. Students must complete the TSU Residential Life online application and pay the required fee.
  2. Students must make a formal housing accommodation request with SASO by the established deadlines set by TSU, Residential Life and Housing. SASO recommends, that students simultaneously apply for residential accommodations with SASO to complete the process in a timely manner.
  3. Students must complete the SASO application and submit authentic disability-related documentation.
  4. Documentation must be authentic from a Professional Health Care provider substantiating the diagnosis that limits a major life activity and support the need for residential accommodation.
  5. The Health Care Professional must complete the SASO Disability Verification Form, 签署并以电子方式传回SASO ( 额外的文件可能会被要求完成评估过程. The student’s documentation is kept confidential and is only used to assess residential accommodation requests.
  6. Students must complete the SASO Intake process to collect information for the accommodation decision-making process.

申请人的要求将在收到所有资料后处理. 资格程序可能需要7到14个工作日. 不完整的业务报文可能会导致处理延迟. Students will be informed of the accommodation request status and/or decision electronically.

Students are required to review and sign the housing accommodation plan with a SASO counselor. If approved, a Residential Life and Housing representative will notify students of their approved housing placement.

学生必须更新住宿 annually 通过提交SASO住房住宿申请和更新的文件.


  • Accessible elevator access
  • Adjustable beds
  • Handrail access
  • Wheelchair-accessible rooms

Service Animals

Service animals are dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Service animals are permitted in every area on campus unless posted due to safety concerns. For security purposes, please identify your animal with Residential Life and SASO.


  • The service animal must be vaccinated and licensed according to local or county ordinances.
  • 动物在任何时候都必须在主人的控制之下.
  • The animal must be housebroken.
  • The Service Animal itself is an extension of the student and therefore under the same code of conduct as the student.
  • 业主负责废物处理.

Emotional Support Animals

Emotional support animals are used in professional treatment plans of a diagnosed condition. esa不允许进入校园学术教室/建筑, dining halls, laundry rooms, recreational centers/gyms, labs, and/or study spaces. 所有情感支持动物的请求必须提交给SASO.

The following guidelines are required for all emotional support animals on campus:

  • The animal must be vaccinated and licensed according to local or county ordinances.
  • 动物在任何时候都必须在主人的控制之下.
  • The animal must be housebroken.
  • 业主负责废物处理.

Students, the animal may not enter campus residential life facilities prior to receiving SASO’s approval for the Emotional Support Animal accommodation and required notification is provided to Residential Life.

Bringing an unapproved animal into a University residence will result in the below consequences.

  1. 该学生将因在住所饲养未经批准的动物而被罚款300美元.
  2. The student will be in violation of the Code of Student Conduct and a referral will be made to Judicial Affairs.
  3. 学生的ESA申请可能不被批准.
  4. 这只动物将被赶出场地.

ESA Accommodation Request Process

寻求ESA住宿的学生必须通过SASO提出正式请求. 应在住房申请过程中提出欧空局申请. Students must make a formal ESA request when applying for housing 45 days in advance to the semester move-in date. 大学不能保证晚申请者的ESA住房供应.

  1. 学生必须联系SASO讨论ESA过程和文档需求. 所有申请人都将根据具体情况进行管理.
  2. 学生必须完成SASO服务包. 提交不完整的表格将导致服务过程的延迟.
  3. Students' documentation must be disability-specific and include the active treatment use and/or benefits of the ESA. It is the student’s obligation to ensure all appropriate documentation of the animal’s vaccinations and health is submitted to SASO. SASO不承认ESA网站运营者, licenses, certificates, 或背心作为建立ESA合法性的基础. 互联网动物登记/证书/背心/等., such documents are not, by itself, sufficient to reliably establish that an individual has a non-observable disability or disability-related need for an assistance animal.


    The licensed professional health care provider must complete the SASO Verification Form providing:

    • The existing and continuing diagnostic and therapeutic relationship between the provider and client.
    • 对病情的具体诊断, frequency of symptoms and severity and its impact on daily life activities and functional limitations.
    • 诊断方法用于得出这种诊断的方法.
    • A clear articulation of how the animal will mitigate these functional limitations.
    • The observations, evaluations, or means by which the provider determined that an ESA would be a reasonable accommodation.
    • The provider’s confirmation that the ESA has been prescribed for treatment purposes and as part of a care/treatment plan and is necessary to help alleviate symptoms associated with your condition and how it will be critical in allowing you to use while living in university residence.
  4. SASO will schedule a virtual intake appointment to confer all relevant information available for the determination process.
  5. Students and Residential Life will receive a written notification via email identifying the accommodation request status.
  6. 如果ESA被批准,学生必须审查并签署ESA协议. Failure or refusal to sign the ESA agreement will be understood if the student does not intend to abide by the agreement and will result in revocation of the approval.

SASO ESA批准有效期为连续两个学期. Students wanting to continue the ESA accommodation must notify SASO and submit updated ESA documentation for a subsequent year. 大学要求业主每年签署ESA协议.


  • 未经学生无障碍服务办公室(SASO)注册/批准.
  • 会从根本上改变大学房屋运作的性质吗.
  • 会违反德克萨斯州或休斯敦市的法律吗.