
Academic integrity is the basis of education. The free exchange and sharing of ideas depend on the individuals’ trust that other’s work is their own and that it was done honestly. Academic progress in all disciplines requires the honesty of all students. 作弊 and plagiarism are attacks on the foundation of academia and will not be tolerated at 德克萨斯南方大学.


According to the Student Code of Conduct, academic misconduct is defined as engaging in any form of academic dishonesty with respect to examinations, 课程作业, 研究项目, 成绩, 和/或学习成绩, including but not limited to plagiarism, 考试作弊, 改变成绩, 参加另一个学生的考试. Aiding and abetting another to cheat or plagiarize or the destruction or removal of academic materials is also viewed as academic misconduct.


剽窃 is defined as either representing the work of others as his/her own or submitting written materials without the proper acknowledgement of the source. The exchange of ideas depends on the individuals’ trust that will eb given credit for their work. Everyone in an academic community must be held responsible for acknowledging when others have used others’ ideas and words. Because the intellectual work of others constitutes a form of property, 剽窃被视为偷窃.


作弊 can be defined by displaying several behaviors, all of which tend to provide an unfair advantage to the student involved. The most common behaviors involve copying from another assignment or exam, collaborating with others on an assignment when the professor has required independent work, utilizing outside resources when completing an assignment or exam, and falsifying test answers or 成绩.

Aiding and Abetting Others to Cheat or Plagiarize

Aiding and abetting others to cheat or plagiarize can be defined by several behaviors, all of which tend to give a student an unfair advantage. The most common violations including providing parts of an exam or assignment to another student, providing unauthorized assistance to another student, 分享学术资料. 学生 should never make assumptions about the appropriateness of assisting others and when in doubt contact a professor.


Destruction of academic materials includes but is not limited to removing or attempting to remove, 摧毁, 偷, or make inaccessible library or other academic resources without authorization, or willfully damaging the academic work or efforts of another.