The Career Planning and Placement Center’s objective is to provide information on career planning and job search strategies that will enhance the student’s ability to obtain employment.

We assist undergraduate students in accounting, 金融, 市场营销, 管理, 管理 information systems and graduate students in business administration and 管理 information systems with the career planning process.

The Center offers the following services:

  • 一对一的 简历/职业 咨询
  • Internship/Full-time Employment Opportunities
  • 发展 Workshops/Seminars
  • 招聘/Career 事件
  • 视频/模拟面试
  • Career/Skill Assessments
  • Resource Library (videos, books, and career information/material)
  • Access to Job Databases (full-time, part-time, internships)
  • 网上汇金汇金
  • Career Insider Online (career/company research)
  • Career Spots Online (professional development videos)

CP&P Center maintains various relationships with companies across an array of industries:

  • 石油/天然气/能量
  • 银行
  • 创业
  • 零售/销售
  • 咨询
  • 保险
  • 政府
  • 餐厅/酒店
  • 运输