We encourage our students to make a concerted effort in planning for their careers by utilizing the model below:

职业发展 Cycle starts with Know yourself, 探讨的可能性, 做出选择并实现它


The 职业中心 provides résumé counseling as well as career counseling.  An effective and competitive résumé is vital to obtaining meaningful employment.  除了, students are not aware of the different career paths within their disciplines.  The center advises students on career options and assists them with effectively competing with other graduates within their field.


The 职业规划与安置 Center offers skill/career assessments utilizing the Self-Assessment Library and Skills Identification programs.   通过利用这些评估, students are able to identify their strengths and what occupation would best fit these strengths.


职业规划 & Placement Center offers an array of seminars to assist students in preparing them for the workplace. 发展 workshops/seminars are offered in the following areas:  Résumé Cover/Letter Writing; Professional Attire; Interviewing; Dining Etiquette; Business Etiquette; 找工作 Strategies; Professional Image; Branding Yourself; Business Ethics; Dining Etiquette; and Networking. 


The 职业规划与安置 Center offers an array of programs/events to keep our students abreast of the marketplace.  事件 include Corporate 会话信息, 人才招聘会往往会, 校园面试, 校友/ BEEP程序, 和实习计划.


Our main focus is to provide “on-going” internship opportunities with corporations that will provide the work experience necessary to ensure success. 无论是否支付, we look to provide our students with internships that will prepare them to be leaders and entrepreneurs of the future. 除了, we offer an Internship course to provide professional development and assist students needing academic credit for internship placement.


We offer access to on-campus interviews and several job databases for full-time employment. Local companies visit the campus to inform students of opportunities within an array of industries.

Partial list of participating companies for internships:

  • 埃森哲咨询公司
  • Aerotek
  • Almeda旅行
  • BP石油
  • 糖地之城
  • 企业租车
  • 欧内斯特 & 年轻的
  • 联邦存款保险公司
  • 休斯顿地区城市联盟
  • HISD
  • 美林(Merrill Lynch)
  • 美国国家航空航天局
  • 美国西北相互
  • PAM媒体顾问公司
  • 休斯顿港务局
  • SEO (Student Education Opportunity)
  • 西斯科
  • 早餐俱乐部
  • UHY顾问
  • 沃尔格林
  • 沃尔玛
  • 富国银行(Wells Fargo)